Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Take Action to Protect Indigenous People in Orissa, India

Vedanta Mining Violates Rights of Indigenous People in Orissa, India.

Hi ,

Plans by Vedanta Resources to mine bauxite in the Niyamgiri Hills of Orissa threaten the very existence of the Donghria Kondh – an indigenous community that has lived on and around the hills for centuries.
The proposed mine could have grave repercussions for their human rights to water, food, health, work and other rights as an indigenous community in respect of their traditional lands.
Vedanta’s Record
Stop mining and refinery projects from devastating communities in India
At the foot of the Niyamgiri Hills, in Lanjigarh, Vedanta Resources has already started running
an alumina refinery leading to significant air
and water pollution. This pollution is threatening
the health and well-being of the indigenous community. Although the Orissa State Pollution Control
Board (OSPCB) has reported serious concerns about
toxic air and water contamination, this information has never been shared with local people. Despite the existing problems and widespread community concerns, there is now an attempt to expand the refinery’s capacity six-fold.
Take Action to Protect Indigenous People in Orissa, India.
Vedanta Resources and its subsidiaries – responsible for the refinery and the proposed mine – have failed to abide by internationally accepted standards in relation to the impact of business on human rights. The Governments of Orissa and India have also failed to protect the human rights of this community.
You can do something to protect this indigenous community by signing the petition to the Government of India. Take action Now
If you are in India please pick up your mobile phone and SMS ‘AMNESTY STOPVEDANTA’ to 56677. Your petition will be sent to the Indian government.
Thanks for your continued support and commitment to human rights.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Film Subsidy

Film Subsidy

1.Short title and commencement - (1) These Rules may be
called "The Kerala State (Subsidy to  films) Rules 1997" They shall be deemed to have come into force from 1-04-1997)

2. Definition - In these rules, unless the context other-wise requires
(a)"Film" means Feature film, Children Films, or Documentary films.

(b)"Feature Film" means full length feature film measuring not less than 2500 meters in length in 35 mm/ not less than 1000 meters in length in 16mm.

(c)"Children's film" means full length children's film with a length not less that 1200 meters in 35 mm/not less than 475 meters in length in 16 mm.

(d) "Documentary Film" means documentary films with a length not less than 200 meters of 35mm/not less than 75 meters in length in 16 mm.

(e) "Government" means the Government of Kerala.

(f) "Producer" means the person whose name is given in the certificate issued by the Central Board of Film Certification as the product of the film or in the absence of which the name (s) given as producer (s) in the application of subsidy

(g) "Standard and quality means film of some social relevance satisfying the basic norms of aesthetics and contributing to healthy human sentiments as a work of art.
3.The quantum of subsidy under the Rules shall be decided by the Government from time, for the time being subsidy shall be given at the following rates.

(a) Feature film (35 mm) Children film (35mm) produced completely in the State of Kerala utilizing only the facilities available with the Kerala State Film Development Corporation and the Chithranjali Studio under the Corporation Rs.4 lakhs and 3 lakhs respectively. For other types of film under this category the rates as specifies in sum column (b) will apply.

(b) If the entire film has been produced (shot processed, recorded, edited and Printed) in the State of Kerala but not state, but not utilizing only the facilities available with the Kerala State Film Development Corporation and Chithranjali Studio the rates of subsidy admissible shall be as follows:

1. Feature Film in 35 mm colour and black & While Rs. 1,50,000
2. Feature film in 166 mm(colour and Black and white) RS 1,00,000
3.Children's film 35 mm in colour RS 2,00,000
4.Children's film 35 mm in Black & white RS 1,50,000
5.Children's film 16 mm in Colour RS 1,00,000
6.Children's film in 16 mm in Black & white RS 75,000
7. Documentary film in colour in 35 mm RS 30,000
8.Documentary film in Black & White in 35 mm RS 20,000
9.Documentary film in colour in 16 mm RS 15,000
10. Documentary film in Black & While in 16 mm RS 9,000
11.Documentary films will also be given additional amount at the following rates for the extra length.
for 35 mm documentary films (colour) Rs.15,000 for extra 100 meters.(maximum amount admissible to a film will be Rs.75,000)
for 35 mm documentary film (Black & White)Rs.10,000 for extra 100 meters.(Maximum amount admissible to a film will be Rs.50,000)
for 16 mm documentary film (colour) Rs.7,000 for every extra 100 meters(maximum amount admissible to a film will be Rs.36.000)
for 16 mm documentary films (Black & White) Rs.9,000 for every extra 100 meters (maximum amount admissible to a film will be 21,000)
for calculating the length of films for subsidy 50 meters and above will be considered as 100 meters and less than 50 meters will not be considered
Government may relax the rule regarding the condition stipulated for shooting the film completely in Kerala State if they are satisfied that is was absolutely necessary to have a portion of the film so shot outside Kerala should not exceed 10% of the total length of the film. The gauge of the film will be determined on the basis of the relevant entry in the certificate issued by the Central Board of Film Certification.
4. Other conditions for eligibility for subsidy

a. That the film has been certified by the Trivandrum office of the Central Board of Film Certification.

b. That the film has standard and quality

c. That the film is not a dubbed version

d. If the film is taken in more than one language simultaneously only one version of the film shall be eligible for subsidy.
5. Procedure of sanction of subsidy under rule III (b) - Procedures seeking subsidy under rule III (b) shall declare their intention to do so in writing in the form prescribed (Annexure 1) in triplicate to the KSFDC a week before the commencement of shooting showing the date, time, location and other relevant details of shooting. These declarations on receipt shall be registered, numbered serially and producers duly informed. While applying for subsidy the registration number and date so communicated shall be quoted.
6. Application for subsidy - Application for subsidy under rule 3 (b) shall be submitted by producers to the KSFDC in triplicate in the form attached to these rule (Annexure II) The application fee for a film shall be Rs.500 payable by demand draft drawn infavour of the Managing Director KSFDC shall be enclosed with the application in the prescribed form. Application form, free of cost may be obtained from the office of the Chithranjali studio Trivandrum- 695 027.
7. Every application for subsidy shall be accompanied by the following documents.

a. Original certificate or its duplicate issued by the Trivandrum Office of the Central Board of Film Certification

b. Shooting schedule showing the dates of location of shooting duly certified by the producer.
c. A certified Statement from the producer showing the final length of the film pertaining to the scenes shot outside Kerala, if any.

d. Certificates from the studio out door units / laboratories / recording theatres with whose assistants the film was shot developed, recorded, re-recorded, edited and printed counter signed by the producer.

e. A certificate from the producer specifying the length and comment of shot sail and included in the film with details of sources and
Camera log sheets.

8. Application for subsidy for a film shall be entertained only if it is censored and certified for Public exhibition by the Trivandrum Officer of the Central Board of Film Certification. The application should be submitted to the Managing Director KSFDC within six months after the date of issue of certificate by the Central Board of Film Certifications.

9. If after Scrutiny of the application and prescribed documents. Governments is satisfied with regards to all the details and requirements, the producers shall be asked to arrange for a screening of the film to assess it standard and quality.

10. There will be only one screening committee to view the film to assess the standard and quality of the films to be considered for subsidy under both the existing rules under III (b) and III (b) The committee is organized consisting of Secretary to Government, Culture Department, Chairman Kerala State Chalachitra Academy, and Managing Director of Kerala State Film Development Corporation. The screening to assess standard and quality of the film will be arranged by K S F DC .

11. Films found below the desire standard by the committee will again screened before a review committee in case the concerned producers submit an appeal to the Government.

12. The decision of this review committee shall be final with regard to quality and standard for purpose of granting subsidy.

13. The screening of film for the committee will be arranged by the producer at his cost at Trivandrum

14. In the case of film found suitable as above, the Government after examining all the relevant factors and documents and having satisfied themselves of the necessity to provide subsidy may pass appropriate orders.

15. On receipt of necessary sanction from Government the producer shall execute an indemnity bond in stamp paper worth RS 100 in the form in Annexure IV. The Director of Public Relation shall thereafter release the subsidy amount to the producer, after ascertaining that there are no dues from the producers to Kerala State Film Development Corporation.

16. Does if any pending payment by the producer to the Kerala State Film Development Corporation/Chithranjali Studio shall be deducted from the amount of subsidy sanctioned and only balance amount released to the Producer

Procedure for Sanction of Subsidy under Rule III (a)

17. As soon as production contract is executed with a producer for production of a feature film/children's film under this scheme, the Kerala State Film Development Corporation will register the film for subsidy

18. As soon as the film is censored and certified for Public Exhibition by the Trivandrum Officer of the Central Board of Film Certification the producers may apply for subsidy to the Kerala State Film Development Corporation, in triplicate in the form attached to these rules (Annexure III). The application fee for a film shall be Rs.500 payable by demand draft drawn application. The original certificate of its duplicate issued by the Central Board of Film Certification shall be enclosed with the application, (The application should be submitted within six months after the date of issue of certificate by the Central Board of Film Certification).

19. As per Para X

20. If the quality and standard are found suitable as above the Managing Director KSFDC may issue appropriate order.

21. The Government of Kerala shall thereafter release the subsidy amount to the Kerala State Film Development Corporation.

22. The Kerala State Film Development Corporation shall pay the amount to the producer.

23. The Kerala State Film Development Corporation shall have the right to adjust any amount due to them from the producer and to pay the balance only to the producer to whom the subsidy is sanctioned.

24. Government may disqualify any producer from getting subsidy under these rules if any declaration given or documents submitted by the producer is found to be false.


1. Government shall have the right to deny the subsidy to any film if they are not satisfies with the standard and quality of the film.

2. The decision of the Government whether a film is eligible for the grant of subsidy or regarding interpretation or any of these rules shall be final

3. Government shall have the power to relax any of the provisions under special circumstance for just and suitable reasons.


The quantum of subsidy for Malayalam feature film (35mm) / Children's film produce completely in the State of Kerala . Utilizing only the facilities available with Kerala State Film Development Corporation and Chithranjali Studio under the Corporation, and which do not require nay waiving of rules of subsidy and which win first/Best and Second awards at National, International Festivals will be Rs.6 lakhs and 5 lakhs respectively.

The Malayalam films produced in Kerala as per Rule III (a) Utilizing the entire facilities of Chithranjali Studio, which got entry to Indian Panorama, may be considered as a film, which got first prize in Indian Filimotsav and will be given Rs.6 lakhs as subsidy.

The Documentary films produced in Kerala using the entire facilities of Chithranjali Studio which won:
i. The State award as best documentary film, will
be given one lakhs as subsidy
ii. The National, International Award for the best
documentary film will be given two lakhs as

The International Film Award recognized for the proposed shall be
i. Oscar (American Academy of Motion picture )

ii. British Institute Awards

iii. Canes, Carlo Vivari annual festival awards

iv. Awards of any other international festival, which is of competitive nature and is held under the auspices or with the recognition of the national Government concerned.

v. Indian Filmotsav

In the case of films which is desirable for subsidy under this category, the subsidy given initially under rule III

a. shall be recovered from the amount the balance amount only be given

b. The Malayalam feature films, which won the best Award on state National, International level shall be given an amount of Rs.2 lakhs irrespective of the films produced in or outside the State.